Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45
Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45
Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45
Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45
Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45

Preparing for the Summit Rotation: Days 42-45

Some of you have expressed concern that I might acidentally mix up my Nalgene drinking bottle with my Nalgene pee bottle, but rest assured I have a piece of duct tape on the lid of my pee bottle so I don’t make that mistake.

Day 42: We flew back to EBC from Namche in windy conditions. It was an interesting flight back, but the pilot is excellent. He hugged the mountains to avoid some of the wind, and luckily it was not too windy at EBC for him to land safely. One of the helipads is right next to our camp so it is pretty convenient for us to fly in and out. It was good to return to EBC at the higher altitudes and continue our acclimatization. As nice as it was to spend a few days at Namche, it was time to get back.

It was also good to see Subas again. Who is Subas? I have been meaning to write about him for the longest time, but he is a young man who has been our waiter since the beginning…even during the trek into base camp. He is very hard-working and always smiling. He is the guy sitting next to Brian in one of the photos I posted. He also does our laundry here at base camp. Subas is one of those people you like having around because of his positive attitude.

Day 43: To stretch out our legs and lungs, we went on a day hike up Pumori. It was good to be moving again instead of just sitting around. It was pretty windy again today but not too bad. You could see it was extremely windy higher up on the mountains. In the two photos of the mountains you can see the winds swirling around the peaks.

Day 44: The guides showed us how to fit our oxygen masks, work the regulators and attach the regulators to the oxygen bottles. We learned that each of us has an allocation of 10 oxygen bottles for this final rotation. That is quite a bit more than most guide services offer (approx. 6-7 bottles each). We will be on oxygen once we leave Camp 2. All of the condensation from our breath will be collecting/dripping from the front so we will need to empty it out periodically (I know, it sounds a little gross). I posted a photo of me outfitted in my oxygen mask with all my head gear. I look a little like an alien.

Day 45: This morning after breakfast we are going on another day hike towards Pumori. This afternoon we will prepare all our snacks (the food we eat while we climb) for the final rotation. Our guides have been monitoring closely the weather forecast and the movement of other teams up the mountain. Our Sherpa are still carrying loads up to the South Col (Camp 4) and we cannot move up until that is complete. We should know in the next day or so when we will depart for our summit rotation. I will be sure to let everyone know as soon as we know.

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  • Alma Loe says:

    You guys are almost there, how amazingly exciting. Praying for an “easy” and safe summit. Can’t wait to see pictures of you guys at the top! May the Lord continue to protect you guys💜

  • Cheryl Carlton says:

    Yay! I figured out the notification. So now I get an email when you post!

    Glad you cleared up the pee vs water bottle conundrum. Whew…

    Love you!

  • Veronica says:

    Oh sister. You always make me laugh. Love you so much. You are a gorgeous alien. I am sure you are extremely well prepared for this next rotation. May the winds be with you.

  • Jerry Davis says:

    Looks like it’s about to get real for you guys! Wishing you and the rest of the team the best of luck in reaching the Summit. Sounds like your Guides and your Sherpa’s are taking excellent care of you – not only in avoiding the crowds and keeping a close eye on the weather, but also in providing extra oxygen…they are setting you up for success!! Hope your appetite and energy have returned after the break in Namache, you will need both for the final push. BTW, you do kinda look like an alien in your oxygen mask 🙂

  • Margaret Powell says:

    So exciting for you and B to have reached the final challenge. Prayers for a safe and successful summit.

  • Mary Ellen Nies says:

    How do we know that’s even you in the oxygen mask picture?

  • John Horn says:

    Geneva, remember: hydration, hydration, hydration is the operative word, even if it means you become permanently attached to your Nalgene duct taped pee bottle, and the team starts calling you “Sir Pee A Lot!” We want to see you summit!. Great photos and great feedback on this phenominal journey. So, stay hydrated, stay safe, and our prayers are with you and your team on this truly exciting adventure!.

  • Susie Hartzog says:

    I have enjoyed your posts tremendously. Safe ascent and descent! I’ll be thinking of you guys.

  • Tiberiu Negulescu says:

    Awesome! Good luck and make it back safe and healthy!:-)

  • Lucas Matkowski says:

    Good luck! My thoughts are with you as you start your summit rotation process!

  • Errol Richards says:


    fantastic news!! I am so excited for you!! Have a great ascent!! “This is it!!” We are all rooting for you.

  • Wendell & Margo Larson says:

    We’re in CO at my sister & husband’s and this morning I read your journal to them. They were impressed with your strength and energy and the beauty of the mountains and the people. I did have to introduce Wendell to Subas after he looked at the photo of him with Brian and said, “Geneva looks different.” Thank you for taking us with you. We are keeping you in our prayers. Love to you both!

  • sanchez pizzini jose luis says:

    good luck and make it,have the forze

  • Mom says:

    Please be safe! Love Mom

  • Cindy and Francis says:

    This is so exciting. It’s been fun to read your posts and see the fantastic pictures. We think about you every day and pray for a safe summit. Those alien outfits should keep you warm and oxygenated. I hope its easy to move in them! We recently watched a show on Everest and are amazed at your sense of adventure and grit to do this. Be safe and enjoy the top of the world!

  • Lisa J. Phillips says:

    So excited for you and Brian!! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and look forward to seeing photos and hearing all about the summit.

    – Lisa & Keith